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tv   Good Day Philadelphia at 7A  FOX  March 6, 2018 7:00am-8:59am EST

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t that spring training right into this forecast perfect hi everybody it is tuesday march 6th, 2018. it is march. it snows in march. >> it can be the cruelest month because we have just had a nor'easter, on friday and new we're expecting another one. >> we are under a winter storm warning here in philadelphia and delco chester counties and places north and west, for tomorrow for a lot of the potential for a lot of accumulation. we will see how it plays out but six out of 10 is your weather number, looking good, breezy cold, wind chills in the teens and 20's, and then but as we look out down to the south and west that is area that will end up being our winter storm tomorrow, other coastal storm 30 degrees right now factored in the wind and feels like 24 but we will get to 43 at lunchtime.
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high of 47. when we get started with the precipitation and more toward evening well after dark it will start and it will start as rain and then eventually change over to snow, and that is what will determine how much snow we will get so, we will break it all down for you coming up, bob kelly a lot of variable, sue. hard to believe this time tomorrow we will be in the middle of the storm here's a nice cool pretty shot of philadelphia and sun beaming off buildings in problems coming up and over ben franklin bridge into philadelphia here's a live look at blue route 476 right here near schuylkill expressway where it takes you over to the schuylkill river this disable truck here on coming in new jersey north on the freeway your local volume heading toward the city, the salt brine solution that the guys put down may not work because the storm is going to start as rain which is basically going to wash everything in the drains. a total way of time and money
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so we will see how that goes. waiting to hear back whether they will do that today north on i-95, approaching 295 as you head on up into new castle causing delays, and here's a live look at county line road they have put down b rine down yesterday right near 22. mass transit looking good with no delays, back to you. alex you look so good today as well. >> you are not looking too bad yourself. >> so, thank you for feedback on twitter instagram for sweater selection for tomorrow there are your choices. i would rule out bottom row if possible. >> not the kelly/pink one. >> let me know what sweater what type, and what fabric would you like for tomorrow. how do you get this in time for the storm. >> by 10:00 o'clock this morning i will have my answer, they are called stores, brick and north air. >> what store is that to get the specific cut color.
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>> i don't care about the store. >> not everything has to be done on line you know what i mean. >> these are inspirational sweater. >> yes. >> i'll get it close though. steve, what do you see in kop. >> reporter: look at this gentlemen he came out which cart full of winter melt. so here we are another run at the grocery store with what time sit 7:00 a.m. and he has three, 50-pound bags as he tosses them into the back seat you can see the car going down with each bag tossed in. as it goes down lower. he seems like a rush. this is a quick stop at wegmans before off to work. he has 150-pounds of snow melting magic in the back seat of his car now and i bet he thought he didn't to have buy that stuff again this season and because of the pressure's on notice, he returns the
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cart because he knew tv camera was on him. here's funny part about wegmans here as we move over, winter melt that he bought is outside the doors. it is right next to what would you normally buy, in the spring and summer charcoal brick kits for barbecues a weise change season and wegmans selling both not knowing what people will buy more of but they will sell that winter melt today and a lot of that windshield fluid above because it will be dropped on the cars driving by and as we look around here, we can see all of the power co, there is a train of power vehicles but those bucket trucks because power is still out around here. those bucket trucks are trim branches or to get wires off where they are supposed to be and peco told thaws they had guys helping them from georgia and texas a thousand extra crews they recruited around the country and chances are they may need them for two
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storms so it is worth their trip for those people traveling from places like texas where winter ace over for now and in georgia where it is probably nice and warm right now. >> bucket trucks. >> i like saying that. >> you like bucket trucks. >> someone asked me what is difference in texas. that the point i don't even bother to look. it makes me so upset. we're in philly. this is what it is. >> this is what it is. this is what it is in point breeze a tractor trailer crashed into an overpass last night, ripping off its roof. it happened at 12th and callowhill. fit is 12th and callowhill that is in the point breeze. the driver went a few more blocks dragging the roof before stopping at 21st and christian and new we are kind of in that area incident is being investigated y don't we investigate more closely so i
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can give you right details on that. 7:05. bill cosby back in court this morning, still pretrial. >> yes so lauren, we know that they tried to get the whole case thrown out or part of the allegations, you know, but when it comes to who will be able to testify that is question we are waiting to hear the answer to. >> reporter: absolutely, alex. >> we hear that is a written statement. cameras are not allowed here in the montgomery county. we have to set the scene for but is what going on inside. yesterday there was bickering hostility, strong accusations by lawyers and then decision. his new team tried to get the case dismissed but they scored no sympathy points for the judge. scott o'neill offered him condolences less than two weeks ago but said this trial will go on, and then issue as you mentioned of the 19 women. prosecutors want them to
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testify about their interactions with cosby no matter how long ago they have happened but defense lawyers say, time, missing evidence, other factors all play a part in why the women should not share their stories some of those stories defense team, called, questionable so we will wait on that written decision from the judge but don't doubt lawyers on both side will not be pitching their hearts out in the courtroom today in the same courtroom where jury was dead locked last summer which why is we're back here for a re trial, jury selection, march 29th, the trial april 2nd if there are no delays. but mike and alex if the judge allows women to testify the defense team said they will ask for a delay because they will do much more investigating. >> more investigation ken rottweiler our attorney will be here in a few minutes. if you have questions for him about this non-stop trial, let us know. lets get across the river here. >> to a quaint south jersey town. well, they are concerned after a with man was rob at gunpoint
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in daylight. police in collinswood say the 34 year-old woman withdrew cash from the bank of america atm last monday afternoon right back to her car park nearby. as she got in man veered in the passenger window, pointed a handgun at her and demanded- her purse. >> that is scary, i wouldn't think that would happen here in collinswood but it can happen anywhere. >> police say gunman got away and victim was not hurt, suspect was wearing a beanie style hat jacket and scarf. police are still hoping to find surveillance video of it. making national news this morning two children have died after being struck by a car that ran a red light in brooklyn. the one year-old boy and four year-old girl were crossing the street with their moms who were also hurt in the crash. sources say mother of the four year-old is, tone a ward winning actress and it
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happened around noon time yesterday, the 44 year-old driver. >> that is horrible. former espn employee adrian lawrence has filed a sexual harassment lawsuit against the whole network. >> she mentioned how they are mark, groomed by male collogue s who are interested pursuing sexual relationships. the lawsuit also details what it calls a hostile work environment for women. one example involves -- owe. >> that is jamill hill. >> yes, lawrence said, chris ber man left a racially disparaging voice mail for hill two years ago but you know her she's very vocal on social media she responded to this saying it is not true. on twitter she did have a personal conflict with ber man but no racially disparaging remarks. that conflict was handled swiftly and with the up most professionalism and she added she felt her concerns were taken seriously by espn and
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upset that a friend would misrepresent a conversation without her knowledge. and do it for personal gain. >> we will show the person who actually is filing that lawsuit, there are pictures of her, of course. >> jamill hill was a side tidbit. >> sidebar of that whole story >> we all know who chris ber man is we watched him for 30 years on that network. in what may be a slow motion train wreck a former trump trump aid said he may cooperate with the special council robert mueller investigating the russia election interference. >> reason why sam nunberg is talk about so much because he struck a defiant tone even taunting investigators going around different networks though and he was very vocal about how he felt about the investigation. he didn't want to pull out these e-mails, 50 hours of work and then he is changing his tune. >> he will spend that day doing interviews, collecting e-mails, doug. >> reporter: he would have been at 50-yard mark at that
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point. what a strange thing to watch play out yesterday, sam nun berg is an aid that folks probably haven't even heard of people are talking about him this morning. his decision to stand up to special counsel robert mueller at least initially. for media defying of the former trump campaign aid sam nunberg was cat nip. >> i'm not going to do it. >> i'm the first person to go out here and say i'm not cooperating because it is ridiculous what they want from me. >> reporter: he was subpoenaed by robert mueller and initially said no, he would not play along in extraordinary move and he didn't stop there. >> do you think that they have something on the president. >> i think they may. i think he may have done something during the election but i don't know that. >> reporter: it was speculation that the white house wouldn't touch. >> i will not weigh into somebody that doesn't work in the white house. i can tell from you our
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perspective we are fully cooperating with the office of the special council. >> reporter: nunberg was on the war path, one anchor questioned when had even been drinking. his store would i later change after he told the associated press that he may wind up cooperating after all, perhaps sparing himself sometime in jail. >> if he does not appear in front of the grand jury and cooperate mr. mueller will have him put in jail until he purges that contempt or grand jury session is over. >> reporter: that is thing as a rule special councils just don't play around and someone like mueller has a lot of power and authority in these kinds of circumstances and there is ample precedent for people going to jail, for doing what sam nunberg has been talking about yesterday which is refusing to cooperate and that may be why we heard his tune change later in the day. >> what was so interesting people about this it wasn't just the fact he was saying, you know, defiant he was talking so much. he could say no, turn down an interview but it seems like he
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was choosing to go to these different networks to be heard >> reporter: that is right he wanted this story out there not clear why he relished the spotlight yesterday but it looks like he will to have go through these e-mails which is what he said again and again yesterday he is not going to do he will probably do it now. >> speaking of relished, he was kind of hot dogging it yesterday for sure. >> we will see you tomorrow. >> here's erin burnett said he was a little shaky, have you been drinking, here it is. >> i'm talking to you. >> yes. >> i have smelled alcohol on your breath. >> well, i have not had a drunk. >> you haven't had a drink. >> no. >> so because it is the talk out there again, i know it is awkward. >> my answer is, no. >> my answer is no. i have not. >> anything else. >> no.
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>> no. >> no. besides my medicines antidepressants is that okay. >> again i'm just trying to under stan. >> well, you don't often see that. >> no, you don't. >> it is what is being brought up yes, wanted to clear it up from his mouth otherwise it wouldn't have come up. >> people behind the scenes of the white house says he is on antidepressant and problems with alcohol. it is coming up on 7:15. that means it is time for one sue serio. >> if there were more. >> we have another coastal storm on the way. here are what you need to necessity messy weather for both morning and evening commute but in the morning it will be a mixing with snow, sleet, which is a different kind of mess then all snow for the evening. potential for high accumulations especially north and west and winds gusting to 30 to 40 miles an hour and that could make more power outages possible in this storm
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under a winter storm warning in phildelphia north and west and then to the south of us outlining county there is winter storm watch for slightly less. i cannot emphasize enough it all depends object on where the rain/snow line sets up. although we show you this future cast and it looks like at 5:00 in the morning we are right on the line between rain and snow in philadelphia with 35 degrees that could move further are north and give us more rain and further south giving us more snow. >> wire seeing more in the way of snow, in philadelphia and everything hopefully getting out offer here by seven or 8:00 o'clock tonight but it looks like afternoon is when we will see that snow piling up at a rate of an inch or hour or more and then factor
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in these wins, trying to travel while snowing heavily with the 38-mile an hour wind gust that would make for potential white out conditions and certainly could blow down trees and power lines like we saw in the last storm so those are most important things you need to know about tomorrow's storm and it looks like a mix of precipitation to start changing over to snow. clearing up on thursday, and friday stays cold through the weekend, with temperatures during the day in the 40's, and it looks like by sunday into monday we could be looking at the potential for some more precipitation. so that is it, yeah, yes. >> i'm ready for some smores, 7:16. live look eastbound 422 an accident near oaks interchange causing delays from royersford , and collegeville. look at this, line of the shadows here, that sun right at your dashboard level hard to imagine that in 12 hours we are going to be able to start a major snowstorm here, in march an accident south on
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the northeast extension just south of lansdale, just caus ing a delay from quakertown on down. an accident involving a pedestrian in cherry hill, at old, cuthbert boulevard right at orchid road and we have wicked sun glare out there again in cherry hill, long route 70. down tree this is a problem the ground is so moist, wet that any of those big old oak trees that are not sturdy enough they have gotten toppled over from the wind crescent valley drive and em len street shut down so traffic diverted on to germantown avenue and then that is a clean up operation for some firewood later on. for gang from chester county a live look at the bypass eastbound with sun glare heading toward west chester mike and alex, back over to you. 7:16. frances mcdormand who won actress best oscar. >> love her. but for a brief period it looked like somebody else might be heading off with the
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trophy because somebody stole it. >> it wasn't because of talent >> no. >> karen? >> that is exactly what happened you see suspect right now and apparently he is a brazen, writer and pose era cording to the social media out there and police. it looks like he has done this before. frances mcdormand their big moment their speech winning best actress for three bill boards outside ebbing missouri she's at this post ceremony dinner when her statue was stolen and she was crying and in tears about all this suspect is a guy, he is 47 years old, they is, terry bryant and apparently he got the ticket somehow. he is streaming live on facebook live about how he got oscar kissing it, saying he won it, asking people for congratulations. yeah what did you get it for. music, my team, he says he is a producer. it is not first time he pre tend todd take home an award because did he this before writing on instagram just a month ago he got a
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award, proclaiming jesus name his sag award and did he that before mtv as well, so anyway he was later caught on this case right after this all happened and charged with felony grand theft. other photographers that saw him there catching him red-handed. representative finally said that she and oscar were re unite i had and were able to go out for an in and out burger and have a nice evening together. >> that is trendy, you get dressed up and act like a commoner and get to in and out burger. >> maybe she likes in and out burger. >> i love it, but it is the thing to do now. >> anything real, authentic down to earth it is her. >> she's the best. >> i believe if we were talking about frances mcdormand i saw that she went to work the next day. >> that was allison janne. >> another authentic talent. >> yes. >> allison janne's best line when she just thanked herself.
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>> she thanked herself. >> yes. >> yes. >> get yourself a booster chair or something you look like you a kid at the kids table eating a pork chop. >> i know someone you can talk to about that. >> just get a pillow. >> i don't know if she heard you. >> it reminds me, we do have to do with seinfeld and crammer stole a tony award remember when they caught him. >> change the title the life of a salesman, that is what people want to see. >> mr. crammer my name is lewis brown i'm within of the producers of stars in surprise >> lou. >> we need to talk. >> he stole the tony. he was a see filler, he was a
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seat filler and got called and went up to the stage and took the tony. >> that is great. >> it is my turn. >> yes. >> so, these are like unlike any other not only can they order piss at shoes but they also ensure that you do not to have miss a minute of the action on your tv, what is new on pizza huts high top shoes. >> that is a shoe that allows to you order a pizza by touching the shoe. >> yes, you have the initial pizza in the nfl. >> might have something to do with that. >> yes. >> anyway i want to know how much those cost and off day for phillies in the sun filet what do you do on your off day i will tell you what you do. you grab your pole and go fishing, that is what you do we will take you live to clear water. here comes the section of the show where we squeeze back and alex, entertains you visually for about 30 seconds. >> putting this on my.
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>> here we go.
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oh, my goodness. >> you can do it. >> yes 7:25.
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pizza hut they are really having a good time right now they got announced the official pizza of the nfl and they are bringing back high top pizza for you. >> what? you order the pace byching , this shoe. >> yeah, that is what they say will happen. >> but r this they put this out, >> this time you can buy it because they are high tops too >> it blue tooth technology and allowing you to order p button on the shoe. >> if you are watching tv you can pause the i pauses the tv for to you get up to go to the door to getiz from your shoe. >> yes. >> because these are first world. >> this is so incredibly dumb. so that is why we're talking bit. >> android and iphone. >> yes. >> guess press the shoe. >> button's on the top of the shoe. >> put your pizza on the tongue would that be soul food >> tongue on the right shoe is the one that ordered pizza one
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on the lefties one that can pause live tv, yes. >> no word on how much it costs, ryan. >> i don't care fit is a dollar and a half why would i even buy this. >> they said they are in the releasing the price until closer when it goes on sale. >> so it has to be real expensive. >> well, that was nice. >> you could pick up your phone and call pizza hut and order pizza. >> or order on line. >> or order on line. >> press a few buttons that is how i do it. >> or, try to impress your date by -- >> are you hungry for a pizza are you here, press that, baby. >> i hope i don't have any holes on the bottom. pizza will be there in 20 minutes. >> look at that. >> that is one talented shoe. >> all right sue. >> all boy. >> here's what we have got a coastal storm on the waysn't formed
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just yet and it is expect of with us decent snowfall, cross the river right now 's shining brightly here's jen fred. can you the answer is heck yah you can look bouncing shoes we will tell you why this is a great thing for everyone, for
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un-stop right there! i'm about to pop a cap of “mmm fresh” in that washer. with unstopables in-wash scent boosters by downy. ah, it's so fresh. and it's going to last from wash to... ...wear for up to 12 weeks. unstopables by downy.
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we will prepare for our second favorite storm in a week. >> good morning it is march the sixth 2018, it is a tuesday. >> so a lot of people want to know what is this going to be like how will it compare to the one we just had and sue's working on those answers for us. >> each storm is different but almost all we have bright, sunny day and hard to imagine that by this time tomorrow it is very windy in cape may probably not a lot of snow down there it could be a rain event for most of the shore points but for us here in philadelphia this has what was changed if you were watching last night with kathy orr we are under a winter storm warning instead of the watch. delaware county, chester county and places north and west for potential of a lot of snow tomorrow. we have a six out of 10 for today, it looks good, looking outside right now and buddy is
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bundled up for temperatures and wind chills that are mostly in the 20's as we get started with our day. this is what will eventually be our coastal storm once it gets over to the coast and energy moves there and then for right now 30 degrees. feels like 24 as we walk outside the door. we will get to the 40's by lunchtime, upper 40's by even of the day. when we start with the precipitation in the evening it will start as rain, cold air mixes in, snow, sleet mix necessary and then eventually we will get some snow, so that is what we have got for tomorrow we will break it all down coming up, bob kelly. >> time line we will keep watching you check in at 7:32 this is westbound schuylkill expressway at university avenue on ram this fellow disabled blocking what would be on ramp and that right lane that is causing delay leaving south philadelphia heading in to center city leaving northeast philadelphia southbound i-95 heavy from
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cottman to girard. septa running with delays on the couple regional rail lines newark trenton doyletown line nothing out of the ordinary or major there multi vehicle crash southbound 202 at swedesford road an accident on the northeast extension southbound right at the lansdale interchange and that is causing a back up from quakertown on down, mike and alex back to you. >> thanks, bob. 7:32. two developing legal battles taking place right here in our area in montgomery county bill cosby heads back to court for a second day in his pretrial hearing while in bucks county families of three young men murdered last summer are filing a civil suit in three of the four. >> very interesting case here ken rottweiler joins us again. lets go back to yesterday morning when were you sitting here 24 hours from right now and we said this judge i love him just in casey ever appear in front of him stephen o'neill. >> right. >> he was going to make a decision on how many women were going to testify against bill cosby. first trial, 10 mass ago he
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said one woman may testify. >> that is right. >> we thought as many as 19, and now he said he will in the decide at all not yesterday not today but probably by end of the week. >> you think. >> i think so. >> he is known about this issue for a while. i think arguments, i don't think they are novel. he will deliberate for next day or two and he will make it by end of the week. >> is there anything particular about having a written response verse just saying tonight court that way lawyers will be able to review his reasons. they want, the prosecution wants the 19 witnesses to come remember i predict he will allow five people n last time's loud one. we will see. the lawyers definitely want to know his reasons for. that it could be the subject of an appeal. >> families of all four of the men murdered last summer filed wrongful doubt seats, three of them as of yesterday. they are suing suspect killer, cosmo dinardo his parents as
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well a and their family businesses, as well as the cousin who was involved sean kratz. >> dinardo charge in the july 2017 brutal slayings of jimmy patrick dean finocchiaro, thomas meo and mark sturgis. so the reason why they are charging cosmo dinardo the family because cosmo dinardo himself, yes, he is 17. >> no, he is 20. >> he is an adult but he doesn't have any money so they will get the two family and business. >> that is right. the parents are not normally liable for acts of their adult children you are not responsible for them, however now circumstances and facts may be different here. let me tell what you happened here negligence is cosmo dinardo had severe mental illness known to the families. that is an important point. he had violent tendency, threatened people in the past that was known he was involuntarily committed to a mental institution banned from his high school and
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college because of that violent behavior and arrested for having a shotgun possession after he was committed, he had access guns and access to construction equipment, now in light of all these circumstances and thinks important his parents had a duty to exercise reasonable care so they had duty to put these firearms away because of all of thighs violent tendency and construction equipment that is basis of the lawsuit. >> american just money they are saying you are responsible for him and all of the headlines they called it his play land because he had access to all these things to committees murders. >> that is exactly right evidence here on the front page. >> they gave him a play land. >> 80-acre farm. that is where these four were buried they were buried 12 feet under ground in a converted oil tank and he had access to all this equipment. they were saying you as parents knew all these things about him, you knew he had threats basically to the general public, he had access
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to firearms and you did nothing, you did nothing you didn't exhibit reasonable care and lawyers in this case will take difficulties conferry and they will prove these tings and then it will be in the courtroom. >> does the family have a case >> against the parents. >> absolutely. >> absolutely. >> what about the timing of the civil lawsuit verse criminal. criminal proceedings are still going on. what does this say went and filed this civil suit even they we are in the done. >> it is usually other way around. >> i don't have a problem with that reason is this criminal trial is set. the criminal trial will be over a civil suit this was filed in philadelphia. it will take two years. so the criminal trial will be long gone, dinardo will be in jail, lawyers here will be taking difficulties conferry in this case and case will go forward. probably two years from now will be in the philadelphia courtroom. >> started right now. >> discovery will be interesting. we will talk bit. there are great lawyers tom
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kline is on the case, bob mongeluzzi collogues of mine these guys will take discovery and family will have a lot to answer as to why they didn't exercise reasonable care to protect the public. >> ken thanks. >> always my pleasure. >> on a much lower level this next story business parents being responsible for behavior of their children and vice versa, get this, we found this daddies making his 10 year-old son, run to school in the rain because the school administrators said her kiddies a bully. >> we do have video of that. >> also another look at is what coming a second nor'easter in less than a week latest on timing and
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i real hi think this should be a new segment eagles i have season or something catching, give you update on what eagles players are doing now that they won a super bowl. >> so, eagles, in the off season. >> yeah. >> angels in the outfield. >> they better stop the party because we are getting close to the other team members. >> they are not partying they are doing some work here.
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>> i have a question for you. >> what? >> is michael kendricks actually thinking of a music career like, drake. >> i don't know do you think he could? a lot of people, we're thinking it anyway, after he posted on instagram he posted this video and in the video he says this is my music and then you hear singing and listen closely, i think it is michael kendricks singing. >> it is not lipsinking. >> all right listen. >> all right. listen. ♪ >> lip sinking. >> that is the question. >> our floor director says no. it is a famous singer and i
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didn't know who it was. >> we have talk to him many times it sounds like his voice >> it does sound like his voice. >> what was caption he had up there, bad man. >> bad man. >> bad man. >> bad man. >> don't mess with me girl bad man. >> yes looking for a bad man. >> yes. >> we can have you right michael kendrick give us a call and bad man. >> oh, yeah. >> you see him doing like a music video out at lincoln financial field. >> gives you a hint of the drake look anyway, right. >> yes. >> good looking guy. >> i don't know. >> kristin rodgers has seen him. >> good job. >> hey chris continue. >> good morning mike and alex we do think it is michael kendricks voice by the way.
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we're down at spring training. i vote yes. >> how do you know. >> it sounds like him just from talking to him throughout the season. it sounds like michael kendrick. >> you talk a lot. >> kristin, two things. >> yes. >> we can see your breath so aim not jealous so much anymore and what are you doing later today. >> is michael kendrick avail able. >> i'm flying back to philly to day. it is beautiful. it is 50 degrees but it is the warmest morning we have had out here so morning. i have been wearing jackets other morning. phillies have the day off and they are doing something that is, going to create competitive rivalries between teammates, find out what that is still ahead. >> when you say we are flying back who is we, you and michael.
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>> me and bill roar photo journalist. >> we know he is there with you. >> we will go fishing with kristin. >> this has taken a wild turn.
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moms have their own way to test things what about baby's soap? this paper represents proteins in your baby's skin. only baby dove w ith our 1/4 moisturizing cream, ... ...leaves baby skin more nourished... ...with every bath.
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-hey, did i mention i can save you $620 for switching to progressive? [ engine revving ] you cannot hear me at all, can you?
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we have an accident, south on 202 right at route three west chester pike, causing delays for everybody heading out of west chester heading down toward wilmington here's a live look at 422 eastbound jammed up, pretty much from collegeville all the way into oaks because of an accident, off to the shoulder, plus your normal morning volume ends and sun glare septa running with delays on a couple regional rail lines this morning and alive look at 95, double four 's on the clock there, 44 minutes, temperature was going to say, 44 minutes south on i-95 lets get over to sue in 152nd...
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we will have both commute is a affect, in the morning it is a mixture of snow and rain and in the evening heavy wet snow accumulating pretty quickly, potential for highest north and west of the city and factor in those wins gusting to 30 to 40 miles an hour. and, probably at have or 7:00 o'clock. and we will get some light accumulations, even before the morning commute and mixing with snow and sleet to the south of us it looks like all rain but it looks like this snow will really pile up in the afternoon on wednesday before it gets out of here by seven or 8:00 o'clock at night so that is the timing of this storm, and it looks like an all day event for wednesday and it stays pretty cold through the weekend with high temperatures, in the 30's, we will have morning that are in the 20's, and we will see about our next storm sunday possibly into monday, of next
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week back to you. >> apparently we have confirmation that michael kendricks is singing. >> shannon says it is his music, michael kendricks music he went live in instagram in the studio to give everyone a tiny listen to it this makes sense though because remember a couple years ago tiana taylor. >> oh, lord. >> she came out with, and and they were making out. >> yes. >> no strange tore music. >> he is in the a stranger to music video. >> that was his profile shots he is man in the studio look at that. >> i wand fur kristin knows he is making out with another woman. >> she is married and has kid you are fine, don't worry about. >> kristin went fishing with the phillies and our new manager, gabe kapler, he was,. >> is that how you hold a fishing pole. >> he is doing yoga and we had to put the pole in his hand.
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>> it is fake. >> this is how i imagine. >> haters will say it is photo shopped. >> all right. so how did it go, kristin. >> i did not go fishing with the team. team had a day off. but the team has the day off. they are going in to this day off with great moments and right now they have won their last two straight games including four-three win over the twins in clearwater just yesterday but more than just taking sometime for mental recovery taking time for body, really going in to it with momento this day off is a big thing for gabe kapler. >> momentum is critical but health is more critical. nice to get into this first off day, everybody is healthy our regulars are all rested and, some of them will get two consecutive days off and everything is up for march 29th and not for middle of march. >> phillies are get something rest away from the ballpark today but it sounds like there
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is some, friendly competition happening, off field. >> there is a little, competitive, ally will trip that we are doing this year so it should be fun. >> no audio. i was trying to ask him what he was do with his day off how he keeps focus than a level and brought up this fishing trip. we know he's done other ways to create some competitive rivalries and some competitive nature among the team, some friendly rivalries but social media challenge with veterans trying to get young kid more followers and now it looks like they are going fishing today, difficult ask mike and alex, gabe kapler about said fishing trip, he was pretty tight-lipped and said just ask the players bit but difficult get some confirmation that they are already on the water. some guys instagram stories already have fishing trips as the caption with the little fishing pole emoji and fish at
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the end and the boat taking off, so do i know one thing though whatever they catch up it is for sure going to be seasoned with some bold spices later tonight. >> i get it. >> be bold. >> gabe said as players said because he wasn't invited or what. >> i don't know i think he wants to make sure everything is focused on to the players right now. it is really clear there is in problem in the locker room when it comes to chemistry. they are having fun they are playing ping-pong in between games and things like that they are fine and he just wants to make sure all of the energy and attention is going on the guys and in the so much himself. gabe's a humble guy when talk to him. >> yeah, yeah. >> welshing we will see you and michael when you get back, then this afternoon. >> just one of those people, sure yeah. >> okay, that would be kristin >> yes. >> have you ever been deep sea fishing off the coast of florida. >> i have not been deep sea
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fishing but i have been fishing, ice fishing. >> you can barf. >> from what. >> sea sickness. >> if you don't normally get sea sick it shouldn't be a problem. >> it is different. >> everybody barfs some times. 7:53. >> moving on. lets relive journey okay, eagles road to the super bowl but lets do it like it is a movie we will talk about not just watching the game,. >> you get to see it on a program we like to call good day philadelphia. >> thanks. >> here's jen? >> watch me, watch me, boom, boom boom. >> watch me, watch me, what the heck is this, we will tell you, we are in cherry hill this morning.
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when my smile is bright, i feel ready to shine. some whitening toothpastes only remove surface stains, colgate optic white high impact white is different. it has hydrogen peroxide to whiten four shades for a visibly whiter smile. trust your smile to colgate optic white.
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7:57. you know, lot of moms say it is hard to squeeze a trip to the gym into their already busy schedule, dads say the same thing too but moms, say the same. >> how about you do cangu a fun work out and will keep your kid entertained. >> these shoes have been around for years and years, i have tried them but never taken a class this look like it will really work, jen. >> we asked the question a couple of times what the heck is cangu your knees, joint and hipps. >> yes, up and here. >> high tension. >> we go from a six up to age 70. >> really. >> yes you are doing this inside because it is winter. >> yes absolutely. >> right now it is wintertime, when weather we are outside
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because it is all terrain. so we can get running on the boardwalk, beach because you do a 5k. >> yes. >> we take classes and dances and we have a lot of fun. >> yes. >> talk to me about where you are, you go all over. >> yes it is a fun outing. we go from different studios all over south jersey and we just, we have fun i take care of my people and we really build up community for kids, and adults, we love family aspect. >> i love that you do it with your kid. >> yes. >> fantastic for that. >> talk about these shoes, is there a secret to staying up. >> absolutely make sure you stay off your heels and toes stay in the middle of your food and as you bounce your body automatically starts to balance. it it proves your posture. >> and you burn a ton of calories. >> it is comparable to the calories in kick boxing i love it. >> thank you very much. >> no problem.
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>> thank you. >> thank you guys, so much. >> thank you so much. >> thank you thank you. cangu new jersey. >> now i get what you are talking about if you have kids you can take the kid as long. >> don't worry about take them , to be entertained. >> it is all coming together. >> nice package. good day it is tuesday march the sixth 2018. another nor'easter set to hit our area and some people are cleaning up from the last one on friday, why you may need to shovel the mess, heading your way very soon. >> misbehave pay the price. >> hi everybody welcome to you better listen tour dad 2018. >> why one daddies making his 10 year-old son run to school in the rain.
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>> we like reliving every moment i cannot get enough. >> he is going deep and is it a touchdown? i'm awaiting a signal it is a touchdown. >> nfl films based in our area of course, finally gets to create a super bowl movie about their favorite the eagles. >> fifty minutes from your dream we just have to be us. >> and we have a look at the special documentary decades in the making. >> rumor are reality. >> ♪ >> beyonce and jay-z going on tour together, again a philadelphia concert date was announced on line yesterday why fans may in the want to get their hopes up just yet. >> what do you mean is it a go or not a go.
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>> people are confused. >> new we are guessing. >> i saw it with my own eyes. >> i saw witt my little eyes. >> i did too. >> true. >> i saw witt my own little eye. >> jay-z and beyonce. >> how much snow will we be spying. >> can i do something real quickly i want to put the voting up on the sweater. you get to choose the color of my snow sweater tomorrow. >> so thrilling isn't it please excuse the bottom rowen though you are not. green is in the lead, followed right behind by pink or the pink/green combination. >> pink and green. >> blue, white and gray come up third, fourth and fifth. >> i love the green. i'm in the so happy with the pink piping. >> don't say that new. >> we have 10:00 o'clock this morning. >> powder blue, i like powder blue. >> do you. >> on you. >> because of your eyes. >> they may be powdery y
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tomorrow but it looks like it will be wet. >> it will be very wet. >> snowball packing. >> that is right. >> and there could be a whole lot of it further are north and west you get of philadelphia but these are areas under a winter storm warning for tomorrow, that includes philadelphia, and so , here it comes we've got a six out of 10 for the day most of the daylight hours today will be just fine as we prepare for the storm we will get increasing cloud but for this morning bus stop buddy is nice and warm, he will work his warm coat we are awaiting the formation of the coastal part of the storm you can see the storm in western north carolina and some snow even spread go into the central part of the pennsylvania, but for us it is bright sunshine, 34 degrees but it feels like 30 outside but by lunchtime we are up to 43, rain moves in, late end of the evening drive we will have a high temperature later today of 47
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degrees, which why is we're starting with rain but oh, boy will it change, bob kelly tomorrow. >> it will be that wet heavy packed snow. enjoy sunshine while we can a live look, hard to believe that in 12 hours the storm will be here and 24 hours it will be different story. live lot a the blue result right through delaware county northbound a 35 minute trip, i-95 up to the schuylkill. southbound 202 an accident at route three the west chester pike that is causing delays for folks heading out of west chester, traffic lights out on lincoln drive now both directions at chop, and long growing list of the intersections, without traffic lights it is a four way stop when lights are not working if you intend to fly today you can make adjustments airlines are offering travel waivers ahead of the storms so get on line adjust your flight right now and adjust your plans for next couple days and here's a live look at 422 eastbound a crawl into oaks because of an accident that is off to the
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shoulder mike and alex, back over to you. double trouble still cleaning up for friday's storm starting tonight into tomorrow. >> steve keeley is now in king of prussia with more, because they are still trying to pick up from the last one. >> hey steve. >> they are trying to buy up before the next storm as we always see grocery stores, there is mad rush, now, if you are watching us at 7:00 we were at, and and, marge margarita, and that is her real name. you said that is not spanish name. >> jimmy buffet's margarita
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ville. >> is what your story now. >> your normal shopping day is thursday but because of the snowstorm, here we are tuesday morning at 8:00 is this, have you ever been to a grocery store at 8:00 in the morning. >> i have but not normally. >> will you be wyoming snow melt. >> we have plenty. >> this mother left up her hatch, but luckily we guarded
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her, very busy mother but look at that. >> but that was one parking job, here's our parking job award winner school district bus driver, with the door still opened as they run in, with presnowstorm ingredients eight parking spots, so you can do that at 8:00 on a tuesday morning. >> obviously right new there spaces left. >> we held you up enough but hopefully get s hits. in fact honor to meet you marge margarita she's off and then back home to berwyn, mike that is the parking job do you when you just, apparently learn how to drive a school bus this day we teased them but that is, you can do that here at wegmans. nobody bothers you. but my wegmans doesn't have an empty spot but that is quite the parking deal. they stay out of everybody's way. >> do you think your wegmans is crowded or just a smaller wegmans. >> no, no that wegmans is a
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mob scene on a normal day at 7:00, they have regulars that shop there and you will get run over in certain aisles if you don't watch, look both ways but crossing the roosevelt boulevard at 7:00 in the morning going to that wegmans. >> is that moorestown. >> presnowstorm. >> moorestown mount laurel border where doug pederson is seen and spends all the time in the world while his ice cream melts in his cart. doug may be over there at a presnow storm shopper. >> is that in the big shopping center anyway so there is a lot going on. >> reporter: yes, is there a target yes. >> eagles pro shop. >> yes whole lot going on, right. >> okay. >> reporter: as i look at the clock i can hear producer rapping me as i see almost 8:10. it is almost about to start snowing. >> let's see it switch over to 11. >> the one in new jersey has a clock too. >> every wegmans should have a clock and if i see the governor of any of our
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tri-state area, every wegmans would have a clock. >> well, thank you for doing it for the people. >> for the people. in montgomery county we have a camera there is it time yet? bill cosby usually shows up between now and 8:30. >> yesterday he showed up in the 9:00 o'clock hour. >> that is right. >> so probably just depends on the day and how his morning is going. either way you will be there wait forgo when he gets to the courthouse for day number two. >> i am, so are a lot of other people. this is time courthouse gets busy everybody gets stationed in position, sort of lock down waiting for bill cosby and his attorneys to arrive. but there were two issues on the table yesterday first was actual date of the alleged sexual encounter by his accuser, and phone record, and, sort of dispute her story and, and statute of advancing their motion to dismiss the charge all together. judge stephen o'neill
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ultimately reject that motion and said issue will be taken up in front of the jury at april 2nd trial. other issue up for discussions for today is witness testimony from 19 other women who said they were drugged and attacked by america's most famous father. prosecutors believe their testimony will bolster the credibility of constand only woman whose charges were lodged against cosby in december 2015, they want to paint picture of cosby as a predator with a method of assaulting women over several decade. so prosecutors have tried to include 13 women in the trial last year, and this same judge only allowed one and never really gave any reasons as to why and it has been reported mike and alex that judge o'neill said he will not make a decision today it will take sometime to muscle overall of those details and he will make a written decision and that will come to the lawyers on both sides i heard ken rottweiler expects it by end of the week. >> yeah, okay. >> thanks, lauren. minute you see mr. cosby, let
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us know we will punch it up. >> lets get to this i want to see this piece of this documentary. >> we want to relive it, and nfl films is doing it. they are based in our area they get to create a super bowl movie about the eagles. they have been doing it for everybody else, for so long and now it is our turn. we have a special look at documentary, decade in the making. >> it has been since 1960 to make it. they must be
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good morning everybody this is a live look, an accident just popped up here southbound route 202 and just past, route 100 and blue route there. and southbound, 202 near route 100 we have had another accident few moments ago west chester pike, this is second crash this morning along that stretch of 202, we have got some wicked sun glare out there with us this morning. here's the acciden on 202 right here near west chester pike, we have just cleared that out of the way, we are dealing with some accidents and traffic lights out
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lincoln drive lights out at johnson street and that is causing delays, thinking about flying, you have a flight schedule adjust it now some airlines are offering travel waivers today for weekend east on 422 delays working your way in toward oaks and southbound 95, 47 minutes from wood have men to downtown. sueby has the forecast in 15 seconds. still a lot of wild card with this storm coming up but as it looks like by end of the day rain will move in. with this high of 47, maybe even 49, we are going to start off with rain, cold air will mix in and we will get heavy wet snow by the end of the day and morning could be trick which that mix of snow and
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rain high's accumulation and confidence we have in great accumulation is north and west of the city, especially up toward lehigh valley and poconos where there is potential for more than a foot of snow, power outages are possible because we have to factor in those wins of 30 to 40 miles an hour. so this is what we're going with right now and again it is a fluid situation we could change these numbers but along this i-95 corridor five to eight but see how close we are to having a little more than that. it all depends where the rain owe snow line sets up, abe how long it stays there. light's accumulation just to the south of this five to 8- inch line and that is what we are going with for right now. but again, we have to factor in these winds. they won't be 60 miles an hour but we have 38 miles an her in the forecast, maybe even 44 at the shore and that will blow, and, and especially in the
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afternoon tomorrow. that is, the main highlights you need to know about this coastal storm 47 degrees today, and then mixture of rain snow in the morning change to go all snow in the afternoon tomorrow. it goes away by tomorrow night where we are still chilly thursday, friday, saturday and sunday with daytime highs in the 40's, nighttime lows in the 20's. could get another storm late sunday into monday, more on that when we get rid of the mess tomorrow. >> did you say moran. >> when you throw to it me you say moron. >> where was your mind. >> let me say it one more time philadelphia eagles are super bowl champions. >> it doesn't get old. now it doesn't to have get old because you cannery live every moment of the championship season over and over including this inside look from the referee's perspective. >> everybody was mike up, watch this.
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>> inbound when he made the play. >> let me look hat that first one. it is all control. all control baby, that is all control i agree with you 100 percent. >> after review the ruling on the field stands. >> owe never lost control. a little ball movement but that mean he lost control. it is from here, sits on the floor and right there,. >> e-a-g-l-e-s eagles. >> there is joel. >> dramatic moments. >> nobody does it better than nfl films we're all so proud they are in mount laurel, new jersey and there it is, it is finally out dvd and it is
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available for to you purchase. steve trout is here, senior producer for nfl films. >> thanks for having me i have not heard that clip from the referees. >> that is because we have so many people wired almost 30 cameras on the super bowl and to put it all here, we have so many people, being a philly company, family company started by ed and steve saabol this was a labor of love for them. >> we have they have been putting these together for years and years but it is always another team. >> there was no less focus no less dedication, was there more passion heart behind it, of course there was. >> story telling because lets say, god forbid had it been patriots it would have been they have already won but here you can add history to it >> i mean you see almost 60 years of what has taken this quiessential fill story what has taken to get the trophy back here or here for the first time. >> wow, all of that material
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from, my gosh, decade after decade. so how do you choose? let's do more than a minute we will tell thaw right now this is a clip from the minute so the game which gave us the right to the super bowl, here it is. roll whatever you got. so give us an idea of how you can choose highlights overall of these decades. >> well, it really is a force of 100 people in films and it starts chance weekend and we find out the four teams. we start research on all four times, we dive into their best seasons, wire best camera shots. once we knock down to two we start cutting two films. for those two weeks pro bowl weekend through bye week we cut two films almost in their entirety. once whistle blows at super
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bowl if you are on the team that lost you are off the hook if you are on the team that won you start the seven day sprint to finish it, cut the super bowl, parade, music narration and get it done. >> so, earlier in the season like jake elliott kick would that be in there. >> absolutely. we edit as much as we can during those two weeks have both seasons of earlier games in the year we had carson wired in week three amazing week nine game in l.a. when carson gets injured. we edit leaving a giant chunk for super bowl, parade and all kind oz have season. >> the philly special is that right. >> just the first time you guys in nfl films history we have had two quarterbacks wired for this season not for the entire season. >> two quarterbacks wired, for super bowl winner. we had carson wired in week three, nick wired in the super bowl. we never had super bowl wired on the super bowl team.
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>> how does that work. players dent like extra stuff hanging on them. >> real tiny transmitter i mean it is that big we tape it, hide it on their back, put a wire through here and right thoesn't feel it. >> you can tell he forgot he had it on. >> that isknow it is on will start talking to themselves you know but forget then we have done our jobs. >> we have 30 cameras thank god when nick walks over to doug pederson and suggest philly philly or philly special. >> you want philly philly? >> let's do it. >> philly special ready. here we go. kill kill. >> i like it. >> yes camera because they are both wired. >> then, of course, you have 26 other cameraat will go down as within of the greatest plays in the history of nfl.
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>> oh, wow that is a great you you just suggest i think he just suggested the philly's go. >> so calmy. >> it was like he was pla backyard, having two quarterbacks who have this amazing, pederson, and nick goes over and it was a collaborative effort. >> i what we will do during the snowstorm after we get off the air watch. >> out of curiosity the one that was made important patriots. >> it is sitting on the shelf somewhere. >> it happens every year. we have to edit the film. >> where can we get them. >> eagles pro shop. >> on line. >> yeah. >> great activity for the snow day. >> go watch it. >> so what is the philly pro shop just philly pro >> difficult say phillies. >> eagles. >> is that baseball. >> spring training, yes. >> so confused. >> congratulations. >> thank you. >> we will track the snowstorm
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and let you know busted tail. and impressed the boss.
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♪ >> i hope they do this again. >> it looks like they might be doing it again. on the run two. well, did you see what happened yesterday on ticket they announced tour dates on ticket master,
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briefly so this is my screen shot because when i saw it, i was going to get this together i said there it is, july 30th 7:30 lincoln financial field on the run too. they have had information on the presale. >> it looks real to me. >> i thought it was real and this is for today at 10:00 a.m. everyone started freaking out about it. new people are saying was it an accident? who got fired? what is going on? why would you have a tour already preset. if it wasn't going to happen. >> is that live nation. >> i don't know. >> wouldn't it be, they have worked togethery looked at ticket master. >> contact our live nation people you will car people see if he will cough it up. >> everyone thinks this will happen and it is just matter of when. beyonce will be doing coachela and she has new music coming out. >> she wants to be in tip-top shape even though she is so she is going on this vegan diet for 22 days. we thought we would play along she asked to us do this die
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wet her. >> she asked you specifically. >> specifically, yes. >> you may be happy to hear new is good time to buy winter clothes and that is not all i love when we do this segment dan comes in what to buy in march and what absolutely not to buy right now. i'm in the market for lingerie >> what, why? >> don't even ask i'm looking for lingerie, where is dan when i knee him you know i will ask.
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the totals will be up, by this time, thursday, i would say, when we're totaling up everything. >> winter storm warning in effect for the area potential there for pretty dues event
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accumulating snow, for tomorrow so nervous i cannot say it. >> and, we have not formed the storm just yet but it is getting closer looking at north carolina the area that will eventually turn into our coastal storm but not there just yet bright sunshine, never necessity it was coming. by lunchtime we are up to 43 degrees, upper 40's for high temperature which is why we start with rain and that will arrive, well after dark, probably about seven or 8:00 o'clock tonight for most of us, that is your planner for today and we will talk about what we know about the storm and what the wiped card are as well. >> today is national oreo cookie day. >> no. >> double stuff. >> and big glass of milk, how do you like double stuff?
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8:33. south on 202 route 100 left lane gets on by and second accident of the morning in that same spot. accident north bound on the blue route right here near schuylkill expressway and we have a big old oak tree down across crescent valley drive closed all traffic being diverted off this on germantown avenue, mike, back over to you. we try to do this every month. dan, our financial dude, good to see you dan. >> is what up my man. >> what to buy in march and what not to buy in march or whatever month we're in, we happen to be in march. we need winter clothes. seemed like we should have this purchased already. >> yes, if there is any room left in your closet for winter clothes, now is the time because up to 75 percent off as they move that last bit of winter merch off shelves and get ready for spring merch. >> good time to buy right now. >> not a lot left but up to 75 percent off macy's, banana republican get those last
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minute sweaters right now. >> toys, video games in march why. >> when were you a kid what did you get for easter? >> candy. >> yeah, candy right. >> now it is a mini christmas. >> true. >> easter's early april 1st i think, so toys, video games are on sale as we run up to easter. >> and a lot of people are planning cruises vacations because it i sis is time to do it. >> march is one of those between months for vacation goods time to book that cruise up to 40 percent off expedia how about four days, three bohamas. >> that sounds perfect. >> i might have to sleep in the is warm >> i will need new luggage. >> pack that is time for luggage traditionally march is time whn luggage deals up to half off. >> now to the important part. >> things notn march cars. >> keep that old clunker running when you want, if you can wait until may is better until end have the year. >> is that even better. can put it off. >> electronic, not now.
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>> electronic are always on sale but better deals to hold off until june, on lap tops and things like that. >> i have been waiting for this graphic all morning i said i needed to buy lingerie lets see what they chose for this a big bra between our head. >> wow two boobs and a bra. >> ain't that the truth. >> see i need lingerie for this trip i'm going on. >> what trip are you going on. >> you and i wait for this, twice a year the annual sale, semi annual year, over at, victoria secret, right. >> right. >> but in the until june. >> we have to wait until june. >> this stuff is expensive, i have three daughters my wife is a girl, you know her. >> yes. >> this stuff is expensive. the smaller it is more costly. >> smaller it is smaller the garment the more it cost right now alex can attest to that. wait until june for this stuff >> i did not realize that. >> true. >> the smaller. >> smaller the garment.
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>> the more it cost. >> alex will verify that. >> why do i have to verify that, my gosh. >> i understand what you are saying it probably cost in emotional distress. >> look at how tiny that is. >> yes. >> are you guys done yet. >> yeah, we're done. >> we can talk about this all day. >> get out. >> thanks. >> 8:36. can you pay my bills, it looks like millennials need some help even though they have a job, who is helping them and just how much.
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- honey, look what we got! - [narrator] going big (yelling) isn't always best. unless it's a aaa plus membership. get 100 towing miles and free emergency gas delivery. aaa. go ahead. new tv, new speakers, netflix. this is going to be the place for binge watching, ladies. is it, ladies? don't get me wrong, you have killer tech mrs. d but you still don't have fios. ok? fios is a 100% fiber-optic network, literally engineered for streaming. good advice. i've also got some ideas on a better cereal selection, which i will keep to myself. experience netflix on the 100% fiber-optic network made for streaming switch to fios and get a year of netflix on us with a two-year agreement. (clucking noises) everyone wants to be the cadbury bunny because only he brings delicious cadbury creme eggs.
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while others may keep trying nobunny knows easter better than cadbury. sorry. i can't make it. it's just my eczema again, but it's fine. yeah, it's fine.
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you ok? eczema. it's fine. hey! hi! aren't you hot? eczema again? it 's fine. i saw something the other day. eczema exposed. your eczema could be something called atopic dermatitis, which can be caused by inflammation under your skin. maybe you should ask your doctor? go to to learn more. new fast play games are out, and break the bank has progressive top prizes. bet i can clear these shelves faster than you can play. ready? go! (objects clattering) (high-pitched giggling) i won. fast play. pay fast. win instantly. i can't believe we will have that much snow, in 24 hours. sitting here tomorrow, alex holley out of our window, the snow globe we like to call it,
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there will be snow. >> i can't believe you will wear your snow sweater. >> keep weighing in on thecolor, green's still going number one here. >> it is pretty purple one. >> purple way down on the list you wore to it day. >> i think it is just eagles hang over. there are your choices yes. so green is number one right now, pink number two and then you have blue tones after that today war looking at how millennials, these are people between 20 and like 32, how they pay their bills if they do. >> didn't we just do a story about that. >> we just did a story. >> it is 37. >> no fish face. >> yes, it is. >> i swear. >> do you want to bet a penny on it. >> you are right it is 22 to 37 you are absolutely right. >> so used to, contradicting things. >> i'm so used to you being wrong. >> that is how you feel. >> you are absolutely right it is 22 to 37. >> well, thank you. so smart.
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>> did someone tell new your another that you were right. >> they dent talk to me. >> anyway, it is time for the time of the day when we do something negative about millennials. every day is there something new about people complaining about millennials. >> it is so much fun to slam millennial is how do they pay their bills. >> mommy daddy my bills are due, after you do my laundry can you pay may bills. a new instant survey reveals that 24 percent of millennials who are fully employed still receive help from their mom and dad paying the bills. the survey poles a bunch of millennials and these are all people that have jobs. >> maybe they have student lens and something. >> they have student loans big drill phone bills and car insurance is very expensive and once they get, you know, past 26 you have to pay your health insurance and stuff
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like that. >> yeah. >> so are we done with that millennial moment. >> you look into that camera every day and say i never asked my mom and dad to pay my bills. >> i never asked my mom and dad to pay my bills. >> she looks down and to the left. >> what is wrong down and to the left. >> you are lying. >> i'm looking at you. >> i'm looking at you. >> so when did the flower show on sunday. man, it was packed. it is nice. >> wonders of water is the theme, jen, i have been, and i have been looking at different things and learning things about water i never knew. >> and flowers hi there jen. >> and flowers hi guys. so look at how gorgeous this is. it takes a lot of time. we will talk about some of the things you probably not seen, call it your backstage pass without actually coming here, column come
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8:43 am
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time to see 8:46. this is where we want the snow in the pocono mountain resorts
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where they have skiing, and guess what they are going to get just what they want and more probably more than a foot of snow, during the day tomorrow during, what will be a coastal storm. now it is still has in the come into coastal form yet but energy in the process of transferring and then by tomorrow this thing will move up the coast and dump a lot of something on everybody. in some case is it is rain, and some case is it will be snow. we will have predictions for you coming up in a few minutes but i believe we have something to look at from the cosby trial. >> that is right lets get to montgomery county courthouse, then. >> we can call this breaking news even they we have seen it 20 times now second day of the pretrial mr. cosby just stepped out of the suv. >> thinks earlier then yesterday. yesterday was during 9:00 a.m. hour. they have moved very fast yesterday, so today i don't know what the hold up. >> not moving quickly at all. >> something has caught their attention off to the right i'm in the sure what that is, it
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is like they are being asked to wait. >> unaudible. >> yesterday there was a women screaming. >> shame on you. >> it looks like she's following them. >> unaudible. >> it sounds like the same woman as yesterday. he did smile briefly. stopping to talk to the
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officer. >> so again a judge said yesterday, he seems to be acknowledging more people today. >> yesterday was a quick walk in. today is smirking, nodding acknowledgment. >> so the judge we thought yesterday was going to say how many women he would allow to come into the courtroom and testify against mr. cosby. the judge didn't make a decision yesterday or today he will review it all week licensing and probably make decision by even of the week. >> as you said earlier get used to that view because we will be doing that just like we did last trial. >> real quickly here water quiz before we go to jen. >> quiz, i will make sure i'm reading it right. i went to the flower show this past weekend and this is what i learned from it. question was what is the shape of a drop of water as it
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is falling. >> here are your five choices. >> i'm giving you multiple choice. >> circle. >> a circle. b, tear drop. c, doughnut. d, hamburger bun or e it doesn't have a shape at all it is water. >> we will tak
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look at you! tyson any'tizers and crispy strips. [ sound of sports game ] you help fuel greatness. you'll just have to make the ultimate game day sacrifice... and be eaten.
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what is the question. >> okay is what the shape of the drop of water as it is falling. >> circle, tear drop, doughnut hamburger bun or it has no shape at all. >> the answer after we visit the flower show with jen fred. >> don't spoil it, i know you are at wonderful flower show and water. we will do it at the end. >> i won't spoil it. i voted doughnut. you are part of the valley forge flower show. >> good morning. >> you guys always do the
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entrance. >> yes. >> the philadelphia horticultural society gives you instructions and they say rain forest. >> they said, they came to us with their vision, their forest with the color and we spent months trying to bring to it life. i think we did i great job. >> i love to hear what is the hardest thing. >> look. >> that is within of the hardest things. >> yes. >> the rain forest canopy our big project this year was to figure out how to preserve those, and, to get these leaves. and better part of the two weeks without sausage and and, and and pressure. >> and get out there and because we come to the a solution because of water glycerin had them drink up that solution for three weeks before we can work and get them in the mesh. >> okay. >> i asked you because we have seen this whole thing and big part of it. hi guys good morning. >> that is one of my volunteers. >> you are a volunteer.
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>> seven volunteers that made this happen. >> okay. >> you said your favorite part of this is the waterfall. >> yes bay far. >> it is a unique piece in the overly done with the flowers but so precious. >> exactly. sam lenhenie asked for a rainbow effect, starting with red and ending with pink and we have accomplished that. it was fun to put these together to get them up there and sea water fall come to life. >> i said you were kind of like hanging from a wire like peter pan style up there and making this, you were physically up there. >> i was helping them place arrangements and doing little tweaks to make it perfect. >> scary. >> a little stressful but worthy, would i do it again hundred times. >> you so you know it will snow like 42 inches tomorrow. >> i heard. >> we will talk about that. a lot of people daffodils spring bulbs are coming up we will talk about that in the 9:00 o'clock hour. did i say 42 inches.
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i meant 87 feet of snow. >> yes. >> okay. one of the best things that is waterfall. >> speaking of water falling what was the question again. >> what is the shape of a drop of water as it is falling. >> it was either circle tear drop doughnut hamburger bun no shape. >> thank everyone sending in their guesses. it is, d hamburger bun and i want to congratulate, pat because she said hamburger bun because resistance on the leading, or falling circle so as it is falling it makes it flat at the bottom. top of the hamburger bun. >> does that make sense. >> no. >> the shape of the hockey puck. >> no, hamburger bun. >> it is what is falling. >> the top of the and top of the bun. >> and flat, because it is falling and getting flat. >> no meat involved. >> no meat involved. >> yes. >> misbehave you will pay you will meet a dad here, 10
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year-old sun run to school in the rain as he is following in the car because his son misbehaved at school. do you agree or disagree.
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♪ you know i'm crazy right now my favorite beyonce song have all time. >> craze any love. >> i like that video too. >> it is tuesday march 6th 2018 lovely karen hepp has join us now. >> good morning karen. >> so beyonce getting ready for coachela that big cons inert southern california, getting ready for two weeks. >> she just gave bit to twins. >> my goodness. >> she's on a new diet, she will be a vegan at least for the next 22 days. she asked to us do it with her , for moral support, so i
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will try this. we have somebody coming in, he is living vegan we will tell you what you probably should eat today and you can do. batch already betrayal, say it isn't so? >> no. >> who does she choose lauren or becca. why everything isn't as it seems, some people feel duped. >> is he ari. >> ari i'm in the sure. >> i thought it was ari. >> refuse to watch that stupid show it is disgusting. >> how about this one t
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